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Ghost Rider Actor MCU Return seems more likely

Ghost Rider Actor MCU Return seems more likely

Gabriel Luna, who stars in Agents of SHIELD, recently gave an interview to Forbes in which he expressed his willingness to reprise his role as Ghost Rider in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) if the opportunity arose.

After his run in Season 4, Luna made it abundantly clear that he "loves the character," and he also stated that he continues to be questioned about Robbie Reyes on a daily basis:

"Oh, I love that character. It was really special. It had only come into existence in 2014 (Robbie Reyes’ Ghost Rider), created by Felipe Smith, and then it was in 2016 that we did the show and literally not a day goes by that somebody doesn’t ask me about it.

"It feels like the demand may be there and if the creative is there and it makes sense… I think with Marvel right now, it’s so intricately woven that it would be a few years out if they started to think about it, to do the character. I’m always open."

"My stock answer used to be, 'I loved what we did, I’m very happy with what we accomplished and I can be happy leaving it on the shelf and admiring what we did and have the audience remember it fondly, the way they do. To do the character again just gives me another opportunity to screw it up.'"

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