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Henry Cavill's Return as Superman Is Complicated says Reports

Henry Cavill's Return as Superman Is Complicated says Reports

With Henry Cavill Coming back for Cameos in future DCEU Film which MIGHT* lead to a Man of Steel 2 or a Soft Reboot of the Character we now have a update from The Hollywood Reported on exactly what is going on as far as they know. SOURCE

THE SITUATION with Henry Cavill and Superman is … complicated. Sources tell Heat Vision that Cavill is not in any negotiations for any cameo. And t hat the character is currently not in any written script. Not in Black Adam, not The Batman, not even in The Flash, which would be the most obvious project to insert the Kryptonian, seeing as the film deals with both time travel and an alternate Earth, and could serve as an easy entry point.

The keyword in all of this is “currently.” There is, however, interest in and ideas about and exploratory talks regarding what a Cavill appearance might look like.

But remember, in Hollywood anything goes. Cavill as Superman was to have made a cameo appearance in 2019’s Shazam! but when talks got too complicated, the scene was shot with just the Man of Steel’s torso.

THIS WEEK ALSO brought more news about the Snyder Cut amid the launch of HBO Max, the streaming service on which Zack Snyder's new version of Justice League is slated to appear.

Though sources told us last week that the cut could cost as much as $30 million, WarnerMedia chairman Bob Greenblatt acknowledges it will likely go much higher.

“It does not exist," Greenblatt told the Recode Media podcast of the cut. "Zack is actually building it, and it’s complex, including new VFX shots. It’s a radical rethinking of that movie and it’s complicated and wildly expensive. I’ll just say I wish it was just $30 million and stop there. It’s an enormous undertaking and very complex.” 

Listen to the full podcast here (or read highlights here).

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