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New Details of Green Lantern's in Zack Snyder's Justice League

New Details of Green Lantern's in Zack Snyder's Justice League

We Know that Sack Snyder will be spending a good amount on finishing up his cut of Justice League for HBO Max, and we know that his cut included a Green Lantern (Who was at one time set to have a Film that was a sequel to Justice League {Part 1 & Part 2) Now Heroic Hollywood has a update for us with some new details.

“As comic fans might know, there’s a key member of the Justice League missing from the Snyder film. We briefly glimpsed a Green Lantern of old in the history lesson, but what about Hal Jordan or Jon Stewart? The director told a fan on Vero that although the same Lantern from the past appears in his cut, it’s not THE Green Lantern, it suggests that when his cut arrives, we might finally see a version of the hero. Although, with a limited budget, it will be interesting to see if Green Lantern’s role is a cameo or something more substantial.”


Henry Cavill's Return as Superman Is Complicated says Reports

Henry Cavill's Return as Superman Is Complicated says Reports

WandaVision Set to Resume Filming in July

WandaVision Set to Resume Filming in July