Evidence we are getting AVENGERS VS. X-MEN in Avengers Doomsday
The X-Men will be important in Avengers: Doomsday, according to this week's cast reveal. We suspected this for a while, especially since Kevin Feige started as an associate producer on X-Men in 2000.
Patrick Stewart (Professor X), Ian McKellen (Magneto), Alan Cumming (Nightcrawler), Rebecca Romijn (Mystique), James Marsden (Cyclops), Kelsey Grammer (Beast), and Channing Tatum (Gambit) have joined the film, with more set to join. Allegedly, an Incursion will force Earth-616's Mightiest Heroes to fight the X-Men, resulting in an Avengers vs. X-Men film starring the most famous actors.
Has Marvel Studios hinted at a battle between those teams next year? Many fans believe they saw a shadow in a photo from the live stream that formed a "A" and a "X" sitting on top of each other. If it seems unlikely, think Avengers: Endgame.
Before revealing the movie's title, the Russo Brothers posted a behind-the-scenes photo and advised fans to "look hard." People discovered that set items spell "E-N-D-G-A-M-E."