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JOKER FOLIE A DEUX Spoilers Reveal Ending & Entire Film

JOKER FOLIE A DEUX Spoilers Reveal Ending & Entire Film

You are well aware that the Hollywood trades don't exactly follow spoiler etiquette if you've ever read one of their reviews. To be honest, online spoilers for Joker: Folie à Deux may have been unavoidable as the embargo lifts one month before the sequel opens in theaters!

"If Arthur’s found sane his trial will commence, and the death penalty is on the table, so his lawyer Maryanne Stewart (Catherine Keener) tries to prove it wasn’t Arthur who killed all those people - it was a separate personality who calls himself 'Joker.' But even Arthur doesn’t seem so sure."

"All he knows is that there’s another inmate, Lee Quinzel (Lady Gaga), who loves Joker very much. She even saw a TV movie they made about Arthur, a whole bunch of times."

"Arthur is wasting away in Arkham State Hospital. He meets Lee, who devotes herself to him. He goes on trial, and the is-he-a-dual-personality-or-just-a-criminal debate unfolds. A verdict is reached. A fateful bomb explodes. The end."

"[It's] difficult to imagine hard-core Batman universe aficionados being thrilled by a movie that - OK, this is definitely a spoiler - would seem to wipe out an entire future for a key nemesis enshrined in comic-book mythology, rendering him a sad, broken man."

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VENOM: THE LAST DANCE Secures China Release Date

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VENOM THE LAST DANCE Reveals new Venomized Creatures