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Suicide Squad Director Backs-Up Criticism of WB's Handling of The Movie

Suicide Squad Director Backs-Up Criticism of WB's Handling of The Movie

Director David Ayer has always seemed fairly confident that he will get the chance to release his original vision for the film at some point, even though Warner Bros./DC Studios revisiting 2016's critically panned - though financially successful - Suicide Squad for its elusive "Ayer Cut" has always seemed highly unlikely. The filmmaker continues to share new details about the film on social media, and he does not sound quite as sure about his vastly different cut seeing the light of day. Ayer was asked a number of questions about the film on Twitter, and he answered questions about it there as well as discussing how exactly his original take on Suicide Squad differed from the theatrical version. He also supported theories that WB basically hijacked the film in an effort to make a "GOTG type of film" by copying "everything, you can check one of his replies below

Post production of a movie is like a patient in the table with the guts out. It ain’t pretty. And it may not be clear the patient will even live. So it’s very very easy to get anxious and intervene. It’s not malice. It’s bad internal narratives and fear. Because it’s just as scary for the execs as it is the creatives to make one of these massive films. And they are a hell of a lot easier to f*ck up than get right.

Star Wars Ezra Bridger Actor on Future Return to the Franchise

Star Wars Ezra Bridger Actor on Future Return to the Franchise

Vincent D'Onofrio Says Spider-Man & Daredevil can take him down in the MCU

Vincent D'Onofrio Says Spider-Man & Daredevil can take him down in the MCU