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Marvel Studios Prevented Star Wars Crossover in Marvel's What If

Marvel Studios Prevented Star Wars Crossover in Marvel's What If

In a recent interview with Moovy TV, director and executive producer of Marvel's What If...?, Andrews revealed, somewhat shockingly, that the show is creative team had plans to create a crossover between the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and Star Wars. The interview was focused on the animated series' successful second-season premiere.

"I think Kevin [Feige] really doesn’t want to cross certain streams. But we did pitch… We actually had a Star Wars/Marvel crossover."

“So I think it’s absolutely doable. I just don’t know if [Feige] wants to cross those streams, but it’s really funny. Once you get to the realization of why, you go: ‘Oh, that… oh, right!’ It totally makes sense. It won’t rain on anyone’s parade. But it was just a love letter to old-school Star Wars. And it was great. And I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to do it. But we have thought about that stuff.”

"I have tried to put easter eggs. All these different things that Disney actually owns, but they’re really sharp about. They’re like, ‘No, no, no, no, no.’ They spot that sh*#&"

Jon Watts Not A Lock To Direct Spider-Man 4

Jon Watts Not A Lock To Direct Spider-Man 4

Marvel Studios Explains What They've Learned From Recent Failures

Marvel Studios Explains What They've Learned From Recent Failures