Marvel Studios Secret Invasion Plot Synopsis Released
A brand-new trailer for Marvel Studios' Secret Invasion was released alongside the first official synopsis for the show, which referred to it as a "espionage thriller." This synopsis was revealed by Disney+ alongside the release of the trailer. Nick Fury teams up with Everett Ross, Maria Hill, and his Skrull ally, Ben Mendelsohn's T'Challa (played by Ben Mendelsohn), in this upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) installment, as Marvel Studios has confirmed.
"In Marvel Studios’ new series 'Secret Invasion,' set in the present day MCU, Nick Fury learns of a clandestine invasion of Earth by a faction of shapeshifting Skrulls. Fury joins his allies, including Everett Ross, Maria Hill and the Skrull Talos, who has made a life for himself on Earth. Together they race against time to thwart an imminent Skrull invasion and save humanity."
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