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First Look at The Leader's MCU Return on set of Captain America 4

First Look at The Leader's MCU Return on set of Captain America 4

Fans got their first look at Tim Blake Nelson in his role as Dr. Samuel Sterns on the set of Captain America: New World Order. Sterns will eventually evolve into the film's antagonist, Leader, in what is being described as a "very comic accurate" adaptation of the character. Fans got their first look at Nelson.

Nelson is seen walking next to a row of trailers while dressed in a green collared shirt and purple pants. This is a reference to the classic colors worn by the leading character in the movie that Nelson starred in for the first time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Hulk. It appears as though his hands have been painted green as well, which might be the first step in the process of applying the makeup that will transform him into the Leader for this sequel.

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Major Kingpin Born Again Storyline Changes Everything in the MCU

Major Kingpin Born Again Storyline Changes Everything in the MCU

First Look at Harrison For as Thunderbolts Ross on Set

First Look at Harrison For as Thunderbolts Ross on Set