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Deadpool 3 Plot Synopsis Teases Major Twist YOU Wont Expect

Deadpool 3 Plot Synopsis Teases Major Twist YOU Wont Expect

There is a lot of mystery surrounding Deadpool 3, which isn't a big surprise since the third movie is very secretive. We've seen some really interesting set photos and heard a lot of rumors about the people who might or might not show up. Now, a leaker named @CanWeGetToast has shared what they think is a plot summary for the Merc with the Mouth's MCU. This gives us more information about where the character fits in this movie.

"After facing some professional setbacks while going through a midlife crisis," it says, "Wade Wilson decides to officially retire Deadpool and becomes a used car salesman."

"But when his friends, family, and the whole world are at stake, Deadpool decides to bring his katanas out of retirement," the summary goes on. "He recruits an unwilling and wary Wolverine to not only fight for their survival, but ultimately, their legacy."

We've heard that the TVA pulls Wade out of his world pretty early on in the story. It would be funny for him to retire after all that time-traveling fun, only to be held responsible for what he did. Would it be possible that Deadpool isn't supposed to have a happy ending?

WB Discovery & Paramount in Merger Talks

WB Discovery & Paramount in Merger Talks

Aquaman 2 Post Credit Count Revealed & Content was Cut

Aquaman 2 Post Credit Count Revealed & Content was Cut