Jeffrey Dean Morgan on Michael Keaton Batman Casting Instead of Him
Jeffrey Dean Morgan who played Thomas Wayne in batman v Superman Dawn of Justice has been rumored to Appear as Flashpoint Batman from the moment the DCEU Announced a Flash film, and those rumors only got bigger as details came out that the Flash would be based on Flashpoint, but as we recently found out he would not be appearing in the film as Batman as that role is going to Michael Keaton who previously played Batman in Batman (Batman 89) & Batman Returns. When asked by ComicBook about losing the role here is what Jeffrey had to say.
“Michael Keaton swooped in and took my gig. Naw, I think that’s super cool. Ever since Zack Snyder walked away, my whole kind of bit in that world has walked away with him. However, there’s always a chat going on. So, we’ll see!”