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How Marvel Studios Plan To Reboot the MCU Revealed

How Marvel Studios Plan To Reboot the MCU Revealed

Avengers: Endgame was the perfect conclusion to the Infinity Saga, but it left Marvel Studios in a bind. They not only lost some of their most popular superheroes, but they also had to start over with a new saga, which has been far more hit-or-miss than expected. Fans aren't crazy about the Multiverse, and all eyes are on Avengers: Secret Wars, which is rumored to be a full-fledged MCU reboot.

MCU: The Reign of Marvel Studios author Joanna Robinson stated on The Watch podcast, "We have a quote from Kevin Feige sort of implying that, like, Secret Wars will serve as a soft reboot in which they can prune everything."

"That is not a Loki-ism." [They'll] prune everything that isn't working and only keep what is, or bring back people you thought were gone for good."

In other words, this will be a chance to showcase the iconic iterations of beloved characters, such as Iron Man (with or without Robert Downey Jr.), without worrying about annoying continuity issues. According to previous rumors, the reboot will be used to integrate the X-Men, avoiding the need for any complicated or perplexing justifications for why mutants have suddenly appeared on Earth-616.

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