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Batman Spin-off Focused on Bane Pitched After the Success of Joker

Batman Spin-off Focused on Bane Pitched After the Success of Joker

Could WB & AT&T Be pulling a Sony on us? Well isn’t that the question of the day? but the answer is a Yes? Well ok Maybe, a recent report states that with the success of The Joker last year WB was looking at multiple other characters for films and Bane was one of them.

"A potential project for the villain would've seen a must more serious vision on the big screen. After the surprise success of Joaquin Phoenix's award winning JokerHeroic Hollywood has exclusively learned that there was going to be an attempt to pitch a Bane standalone film to DC executives," Heroic Hollywood's Umberto Gonzalez reports. In May, Gonzalez was the first reporter to catch wind of Henry Cavill's Superman getting another go and Zack Snyder's Justice League being a possibility. "In a similar way to the Todd Philips film, it could've offered filmmaker a chance to explore the villain's psyche with a character study, although hopefully with a little more brawling," Gonzalez said in a video on YouTube. "Much like Joker avoided leaning on the cape and cowl too much, it's possible that Bane's solo film would not have featured the iconic hero." There is no indication that the pitch would call for Tom Hardy to reprise his role as Bane from The Dark Knight Rises. SOURCE

WandaVision Set to Resume Filming in July

WandaVision Set to Resume Filming in July

The Batman Is 'A Hard Movie,' Says Robert Pattinson

The Batman Is 'A Hard Movie,' Says Robert Pattinson