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Logan Director Supports Hugh Jackman Playing Wolverine Again

Logan Director Supports Hugh Jackman Playing Wolverine Again

LOGAN was the end of the journey for Wolverine in the FOX X-Men Universe, for many it was also the perfect ending for the X-men films but FOX gave us a few more stinkers along the way, But ever since the rumors and eventual Purchase of FOX by Disney the rumors were there that Hugh Jackman could and would play Wolverine Again, recently the Director of Logan James Mangold opened up on the idea.

“I would have no qualm about it if someone had a good idea. If it's basically, 'I ran out of money and I needed a big paycheck, and I'm doing an empty film that cheapens the quality of the previous.' Well, that would be its own sadness. The reality is that, if you have a good idea for a character, then there's nothing wrong with doing anything. I don't make these rules. For me, I'm always just asking that someone do something imaginative that doesn't just seem like you're taking all these assets and throwing them on a screen again, just to make dough. That seems to me to be, or to satiate a kind of hunger people have to see more, when the hunger they have to see more is what a movie supposed to leave you with.”

The Batman will have a Gritter Gotham than ever before & More

The Batman will have a Gritter Gotham than ever before & More

Zack Snyder Confirms Doomsday Easter Egg in Man of Steel

Zack Snyder Confirms Doomsday Easter Egg in Man of Steel